Sciences Po’s duty is to achieve exemplary, collegial, democratic and equal governance. The adaptation of the university’s statuses (propositions 1-9) will introduce a greater representation in the governing bodies and new modes of management (10-20) will put the emphasis on consultation, dialogue and evaluation whilst reinforcing Sciences Po’s social responsibility. To guarantee on the long-term a spotless management, immediate improvements shall be made (21-25), such as the full implementation of the recommendations of the Cour des Comptes or the suppression of the “bonuses” awarded to top executives. We must put in place a more controlled development of our university (26 – 31), by promoting rational, responsible and optimised resource management. Sciences Po must be more than ever an “open school”, as initially conceived by Emile Boutmy. It is urgent to re-establish normal relations with our public partners (32 – 36), to have Sciences Po reflect on the renewal of higher education and research (37 – 42), especially by setting up a real cooperation with the other Institutes of political studies, and to continue our internationalisation whilst reinforcing our links with our immediate environment (43 – 50). Sciences Po must clearly become open at all levels (51 – 54). Sciences Po will continue and deepen its contribution to the democratisation of higher education, by setting up higher objectives of social diversity in its midst (55 -62), by facilitating the continuity between secondary and university education (63 – 64), and by working to bring closer preparatory classes, grandes écoles and universities (65 – 68).
To further the inheritance of its founders and directors, Sciences Po must continue to evolve and innovate to adapt itself to a world in permanent change. Research shall be therefore more than ever at the heart of our university’s strategy (69 – 81), and will be renewed by the contribution of digital humanities (82 – 85), and new strategic partnerships. The undergraduate programs will be enriched (86 – 128), with the introduction of new fundamental teaching subjects and the creation of innovative formations in partnership with other higher education institutions (CPGE, IUT, universities, engineering schools), new public and private partnerships, subjects and course tracks. Continuing education shall be renewed (129 – 140), especially with tailored programs for elected officials, social partners and members of the educational world. Innovation will be accelerated (141 – 152) by putting in place a digital revolution, first in teaching and documentary resources. To reduce digital gaps, all our students must be given the opportunity to acquire a genuine digital literacy. We must also encourage their innovative and entrepreneurial capacities (153 – 157), in particular by creating a fund for student innovation and initiatives. Sciences Po must also become a “citizen’s university”, by creating in the Sciences Po publishing house a new section dedicated to high school students, and by transforming the bookstore into an international platform for digital humanities. We also wish to create an open platform for online courses and methodology (Massive Open Online Courses). Sciences Po will place the success of its students at the core of its educational project (172 – 197). Along with improved representation and work conditions, students will have access to new innovative services. The value of Sciences Po’s professors will receive greater recognition (198 – 206), in order for them to be better associated to the university’s life (207 – 212).
To preserve and consolidate our model, whilst at the same time furthering our ability to create, it is necessary for the actors of Sciences Po’s life to appropriate themselves their school again and to see their value recognised. Apart from the students and professors, we will give greater importance to the employees, with a renewed social dialog (213 – 214), new management modes (215 – 219), and the use of digital tools to improve the work experience (220 – 225). We also seek to fully associate the alumni to Sciences Po (226 – 237), and to have the researchers become full-time associates to the university’s success (238 – 246). Last but not least, Sciences Po’s development model will have to be based on sustainable, equal and responsible finances. It will be important to consolidate the share of public money we receive (247 – 252), and even more to increase our other sources of funding (253 – 258). Our network of alumni will also have to contribute (259 – 260), in order to ensure a long lasting source of funds to Sciences Po, whilst reinforcing our independence.